Avans joins the BioBlitz campaign!

(Article by our guest write Francesca Figaroli, ESSET student) Have you ever wondered, while walking to your campus all worried about how you will survive this semester, how many organisms are minding their own business right next to you? Well, I sometimes did because I find the animal and plant kingdom extraordinary. But how many... Continue Reading →

Mini symposium for our specialisations

Every year, we conclude the specialisations for our 3rd year students with a mini symposium here at Avans University of Applied Sciences. During the symposium, students present their final project work and receive feedback from the clients, peers and teachers. This year the symposium took place on the 24th of June, a wonderful sunny day.... Continue Reading →

Our Ghent exchange

Our ESSET programme has several interesting collaborations with partner universities. one of these is with the Ghent university of Applied Sciences in Belgium. Together with a number of ESSET students, our colleagues Samet and Marjon went to Ghent for the "Ghent-Breda exchange to work on an interesting environmental problem. Our colleague Marjon has written the... Continue Reading →

Climate resilience project with Living Lab Breda

Contribution by our guest author Femke Min (ESSET student). Author's profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/femke-min-90594821b In my third year of my bachelor, I worked on a semester project at the Avans hogeschool in the commission of the Urban living lab Breda. The goal of the project was to give the Urban living lab an inspiration for measures that... Continue Reading →

Old shirts and happy families

'Tis the season to be jolly! Well...Almost 😊  In my opinion, there is always a cozy and warm feeling around handmade gifts. Imagine your friend googling DIY gifts until their instinct goes: "This is the one." Think of them painting you a stormy sea, searching for cute pictures and framing them, or simply baking your favorite dessert; investing time in making you happy, and vice... Continue Reading →

Excursion: Recycling Fair 2021

Last week the first excursion of ESSET for this year took place! An excursion to “The National trade fair for recycling technology and waste management” was organised. One hundred fifty seven exhibitors gathered in the event hall in Gorichem on the 16th, 17th and 18th of October. Students of ESSET had the chance to gather... Continue Reading →

Good luck for the exams!

Hey everyone, just popping in to let you know that the ESSET blog team is wishing you all the best of luck as you write your final exams for this year! As you walk into that examination room, wherever it is, just remember that you were born to achieve great things in life! You can... Continue Reading →

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