Minor Disruptive Events: Field Trip to Evia

In the fourth year of their bachelor study at ESSET, students are allowed to choose a minor programme. They can participate in a minor programme offered by Avans, partner universities in The Netherlands, or even abroad. This blog will tell you more about one of the minors offered by Avans, and more specifically – a minor coordinated by one of the ESSET lecturers.  Sandra Snel is the coordinator of Minor Disruptive Events (Climate track). The minor discusses various types of events with disruptive impacts on society. The knowledge is given to students through different activities, including courses, workshops, and one of the most exciting parts: field trips.

Earlier in mid-November, eleven students and two ESSET lecturers went on a field trip to Greece. They went to the island of Evia, an area hit by a forest fire last summer. Fires in August burned and ravaged the island of Evia and some other parts of Greece, resulting in not only damages in the forests and agricultural lands but also leaving traumatic feelings to the people. In total, the participants spent 4 days in Greece. In order to experience the real impacts of the accident, they stayed at a local place in Evia. Students learned that such disaster could happen due to climate change, extreme heat, and drought. Students also spoke to a few local people and the mayor in one of the municipalities in Evia, on which the forest fires caused a big personal impact.

If you are interested to know more about this minor, visit their Instagram account @ minordisruptiveevents or contact Sandra Snel.

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