Every year, we conclude the specialisations for our 3rd year students with a mini symposium here at Avans University of Applied Sciences. During the symposium, students present their final project work and receive feedback from the clients, peers and teachers.
This year the symposium took place on the 24th of June, a wonderful sunny day. The event was a great success with more than 15 groups presenting their work. After the symposium there was time for drinks and bites! Have a look at the pictures to see the symposium from different angles (literally!)
The two specialisations of the ESSET programme focus on two distinct topics. The Sustainable Energy & Resource Recovery specialisation includes elements such as a project on creating biopolymers from wastewater, the transition of a company towards zero carbon emissions and energy analysis. Students learned about sustainable energy systems, running a bioreactor to create biomaterials and more.
The other specialisation, the Water management, Ecology and Climate Change specialisation includes elements such as a project on ecosystem services, sustainable soil management and data analysis and visualisation. The specialisation allows students to master skills on project management, Geographic Information Systems, ecosystem conservation and sustainable development.

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