Excursion: Recycling Fair 2021

Last week the first excursion of ESSET for this year took place! An excursion to “The National trade fair for recycling technology and waste management” was organised. One hundred fifty seven exhibitors gathered in the event hall in Gorichem on the 16th, 17th and 18th of October. Students of ESSET had the chance to gather... Continue Reading →

How 10 Billion People Can Survive Together

In the year 2100, it is estimated that there will be 10 billion people on earth. At this moment, we are already using the earth's full capacity of water usage and resources. CO2 emissions are rising exponentially, and so is plastic production. The differences between the rich and poor are still increasing. The earth is... Continue Reading →

Clothes swap!

Earlier this year, a friend asked me if I would like to participate in a corona-proof clothes swap in Delft (I used to live there). I was confused. How would you make clothes swap event corona-proof? Then she explained to me. It is called “kettingkledingruil” in Dutch, and this initiative has many members all across... Continue Reading →

My VEGGIE life…

THE VEGETARIAN CHALLENGE BY GREEN OFFICE! A picture above to show the best options for Non-meat eaters! Hello everyone, some of you may know me but if you do not, my name is Lauren Regadas, who is a first year ESSET student. I decided to do the Vegetarian Challenge by Green Office this year and... Continue Reading →

All about Africa

Hi everyone! For those who do not know me yet, my name is Lauren Regadas and I am one-third of the Esset Student Blog Team (ESBT).  I was born and raised in Harare, the Capital City of Zimbabwe, on the continent of Africa. To set the facts straight for those of you concerned, we don’t... Continue Reading →

Indonesia through the eyes of student Jerhemy Owen

5-minute read Although many of us are over this “new normal”, the COVID situation has been a blessing in disguise for at least one of our fellow students. So why not live vicariously through him?! Eighteen-year-old Jerhemy Owen went back to Indonesia over the Christmas holidays, and despite what is currently happening in the Netherlands,... Continue Reading →

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