Mini symposium for our specialisations

Every year, we conclude the specialisations for our 3rd year students with a mini symposium here at Avans University of Applied Sciences. During the symposium, students present their final project work and receive feedback from the clients, peers and teachers. This year the symposium took place on the 24th of June, a wonderful sunny day.... Continue Reading →

Avans Job & Career Event

On the 8th of June from 14:00 to 17:00, the Avans International Community will host its first Job & Career Event for current Avans students and alumni. During the event, participants can connect with various internationally operating companies and organisations in the Netherlands and Belgium, or join some of the workshop and information sessions. Here's... Continue Reading →

Sustainability within Avans

Sustainability is not only a relevant theme within our environmental science programme, but also for Avans University of Applied Sciences as a whole. One of the main ingredients of Avans's sustainability efforts is the Mission Zero strategy. With the Mission Zero Avans aims for a fully circular business - this covers topics from catering services... Continue Reading →

Two Years Down, 2 more to go

Caption: Me participating in an Essence team building camping activity, organised by Essence Events Manager 2021-22. By Nisalyna Bontiff 3-minute read And just like that, the second year of the study is over. I don't know about you, but my head is in a whirlwind when I think about how quickly the time has passed.... Continue Reading →

Old shirts and happy families

'Tis the season to be jolly! Well...Almost 😊  In my opinion, there is always a cozy and warm feeling around handmade gifts. Imagine your friend googling DIY gifts until their instinct goes: "This is the one." Think of them painting you a stormy sea, searching for cute pictures and framing them, or simply baking your favorite dessert; investing time in making you happy, and vice... Continue Reading →

Excursion: Recycling Fair 2021

Last week the first excursion of ESSET for this year took place! An excursion to “The National trade fair for recycling technology and waste management” was organised. One hundred fifty seven exhibitors gathered in the event hall in Gorichem on the 16th, 17th and 18th of October. Students of ESSET had the chance to gather... Continue Reading →

How are you holding up?

(6 minute read) Hello you! We have officially passed 1/8 of this study year. That is something! I am sure it has been exciting, amazing, and pretty intense. Every day in this new situation brings trials and little gifts. I do hope all of you are well and handle stressy messy times with patience. However,... Continue Reading →

Same blog, new members!

5-minute read Last year we brought to you interesting content that would not only show you our fun sides but also pieces that would shed light on unorthodox perspectives. This year, it is our goal to bring to you even more content, from even wider perspectives. On that note, we introduce you to 4 of... Continue Reading →

Dinner with ESSET colleagues

“Was this the first time you had dinner with all ESSET colleagues?”, asked Stanley, our newest ESSET staff to me. I stopped to think for a couple of seconds when I realised that it was indeed my first dinner with all ESSET colleagues. Lucky Stanley, it was his first week at Avans and he had... Continue Reading →

Tips & tricks for a low food budget

2-minute read Growing up on the islands, budgeting has always been a big part of my life. My budgeting enabled me to get everything that I wanted and/or needed. Recently, I have had some conversations about budgeting as a student, and tricks to help bring the budget down. For the better part of 8 months,... Continue Reading →

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