How to save energy, money, and time

Everywhere you look you see things you can do to save energy or save time. Most of these things don’t really help you or the environment. Turning off the lights a little bit earlier or washing your laundry on “eco-mode” will not save you time nor a significant amount of energy/money. You need things that REALLY help. And that is where I come in. Here are some things you can do to be more sustainable, and save time, and money. If you do these things, you will have more time to do the things that really matter, such as leveling up in that video game you are playing or finally finishing that Netflix series. 

What I do, and you should do too 

I wipe my ass while I’m dropping my excrement. Somewhere halfway. Then I don’t have to do that anymore when I’m done, and that just saves a lot of time.
We are using huge amounts of paper. Paper to write on, paper to read our books, paper for our money, and of course paper to wipe our ass. So if you read a book, and then use the pages you have read to wipe your ass with, it will save you both paper and money. 

Often when I cook food I eat it half cooked. Then I don’t have to wait in the kitchen that long. If a pizza, for instance, needs ten minutes in the oven I do it in six minutes. It requires a bit more chewing but saves a lot of time. “Yes but Stan,” you think, “but then you have to chew longer on your pizza? Then you’ll lose time.” Good point. But no. You just have to chew harder.

Also, a handy one is to occasionally not pay if you go to the supermarket. Saves a lot of hassle in that line of the checkout and scanning of your products. Now you have won 5-10 minutes, and saved money too! You just have to be careful that they don’t see you, otherwise, the shopping takes a little longer than normal. Well, if that happens 1 on the 100 times, you will still win time. If it happens more often than that, it’s your problem. If this is something too extreme for you (pussy), you can also choose not to scan some of your products. Saves money and decreases the risk of getting caught. 

(You could argue that stealing is not very sustainable, because it leads to less turnover for the supermarkets. If more people would start to steal, the turnover per an x amount of products would decrease, which may lead to an increase in the general price of that product. If the supermarket wanted to apply measures to decrease theft, such as hiring security, the costs of the security will most likely be calculated in the end price of the product, making theft unsustainable over time because the next time you will have to do groceries and pay more for the products. Anyways, we can basically ignore this.)

What I find convenient to do as well is to fast-forward a movie to the end. Then I don’t have to watch the whole movie and know how it ended. I will still be able to join the conversation, at least sort of when people talk about that movie. I always watch the first ten minutes so that the problem is outlined for me, and I then fast forward to the end. That is the solution. How they get to that solution doesn’t really matter. Again some time won. The same idea accounts for music, but then I just play it at two times the speed. It makes the song sound a little weird though, but often very energetic, and because of this energeticness (this is not a word according to my auto-correct, but you get the point), you will feel the need to do things faster, which makes this double efficient. 

I have a lot more in store but because I want to save time this is enough. I’m going to do what really matters: watching Trailer Park Boys. And no, I’m not going to fast-forward. 

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