Same blog, new members!

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Last year we brought to you interesting content that would not only show you our fun sides but also pieces that would shed light on unorthodox perspectives. This year, it is our goal to bring to you even more content, from even wider perspectives. On that note, we introduce you to 4 of our new bloggers that are excited to share a part of themselves with you. We look forward to sharing our stories and we hope you enjoy them!

~ Say hello to our newest members ~

Meet nature-lover Tessa!

Hi everybody! My name is Tessa Bevort and I’m one of the new bloggers this year. I’m 23 years old and from the Netherlands. This is my second year of the Environmental science for sustainable energy and technology study. I chose this study because I really want to work on the environmental problems in the world and challenge myself to create solutions that are as sustainable as possible. My main interests are the oceans and the forests and next year I plan on following an internship dedicated to these interests. Thank you for taking the time to read my self introduction and I look forward to writing blogs!

Meet witty Jelena!

Heey guys! My name is Jelena and from this year I will write for you too. I came to Breda only 4 weeks ago to start my studies at Avans, and before that I haven´t seen much of the world except Croatia. Somehow, I don’t see the two as that different for now. Both hide some amazing people and nature in them.😊 My hobbies are, in short, a little of everything and a lot of dancing. If you have something that interests or troubles you, I’d love to research it and write a post about it, so consider the comments section your space to shine! We’re here for you. P.S. for anyone starting their studies somewhere new, or generally going out of their comfort zone, I tell myself: The worse you feel now, the better you will feel when you get there.

Meet intellectual and quirky Dalma!

Hello everyone, my name is Dalma, and I am a second-year student. My beloved birthplace is Budapest in Hungary (and no, I am not hungry…) The city of bath houses. Don’t judge it till you have tried it. A few hours in the healing thermal water can even make the worst hungover go away. I am a fan of  permanent body design and I am learning to stick and poke myself. I love art and sustainability, even more, sustainable art. I love to cook and share my culture. In the future, you might come across a post of mine, concerning these topics. I have joined the blog team because I love to try new things! (I might have tried blogging in the past, but Tumblr does not count right?)

Meet sporty, artsy, opinionated Stan!


Hello everyone, my name is Stan van Dongen. I’m 21 years old and currently in year one of ESSET (environmental science). In my free time I love to make music, do sports, read books or go out with friends.
You will probably see me writing about sustainability, ethics, music, sports and capitalism. Probably also some columns. For any suggestions you can always send me a message.


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