Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!  

Just as quickly as the summer came, it ended. Now, we are in yet another first week of the program. It is a new atmosphere now that things have somewhat returned to normal. Not only are students able to follow classes onsite but have also been able to engage physically with each other. This week has been a breath of fresh for students and staff alike, if you ask me.  

It was definitely a different experience being able to sit in class and see everyone in physical form. So far, my favourite part is being able to follow classes minus the screen and my not so favourite is the early morning classes. I guess, you never really know how good you have it until it is gone. There were definitely some benefits to online learning. I think many of you would agree. In any case, it has been an amazing first week for me and I hope that it has been for you as well. Looking forward to all that this year brings. I am ecstatic.  

For me, Nicki, the first week was hectic but also one of the nicest weeks I had so far in Breda. It feels so right to finally be able to sit in class and participate without having to unmute yourself and feel awkward. I am so happy to sit together with my friends and be reunited, even though I spent more time with them in Xplora than outside of it and it’s only been the first week. Nevertheless, I am so excited for this coming year! 

Wishing you all the best,  

Nicki & Nisalyna  

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