New waste containers @Avans

Earlier I wrote about the new organic waste containers being implemented at Avans. Apparently that is not the only improvement currently being made. In our faculty we now also have new containers which provide visual images to help students and staff separate the waste in the correct waste bin. This kind of visual aid is... Continue Reading →

Sustainability within Avans

Sustainability is not only a relevant theme within our environmental science programme, but also for Avans University of Applied Sciences as a whole. One of the main ingredients of Avans's sustainability efforts is the Mission Zero strategy. With the Mission Zero Avans aims for a fully circular business - this covers topics from catering services... Continue Reading →

Plastic-free shopping in Breda

The Breda municipality, the home city of the ESSET programme, recently welcomed a new groceries shop. A rather different shop than what you might be used to, as this shop only sells goods without a package! Rather than stuffing everything in plastic wrapping (which isn't that environmentally friendly), the shop "Elemental" encourages you to bring... Continue Reading →

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