Old shirts and happy families

'Tis the season to be jolly! Well...Almost ðŸ˜Š  In my opinion, there is always a cozy and warm feeling around handmade gifts. Imagine your friend googling DIY gifts until their instinct goes: "This is the one." Think of them painting you a stormy sea, searching for cute pictures and framing them, or simply baking your favorite dessert; investing time in making you happy, and vice... Continue Reading →

Summer Holidays have started!

The academic year has ended, and the holidays have started! It was a crazy rollercoaster this year, although it felt like the rollercoaster itself was hardly moving due to the COVID situation. But the students, teachers and staff survived and thrived, and are now looking forward to a well-deserved Summer break. Paul and Maurits, two... Continue Reading →

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