Vegan pancakes for the weekend!

This week is coming to an end and I'd like to share my favorite vegan blueberry pancake recipe. Nothing says weekend more than sleeping in and enjoying a nice stack of pancakes with a nice cup of coffee (or tea) in the morning. These pancakes are deliciously light and fluffy, filling and satisfying. Ingredients 1... Continue Reading →

Be a (food)waste warrior!

Have you ever come across this special "fridge" in Albert Heijn (AH), in which all products inside are labelled with "35% korting samen tegen verspilling" (EN: 35% discount, together against (food)waste) or "35% korting weggoien is zonde" (EN: 35% discount, throwing away is sin)? Would you be interested to buy these products, or would you... Continue Reading →

Online cooking class!

It is not just the students, but also teachers feel the need to distract them from the Corona lockdown and to keep the team spirit alive. For this our new colleague Widya offered us an Indonesian cooking class, in which we made (organic) chicken or vegetarian Sateh! Every Dutch person's favourite Indonesian dish. First we... Continue Reading →

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