Humanity’s Biggest Crime

We tend to look back at times of slavery and war and look down on the civilizations that caused it. We think of ourselves, at least in the West, as the most morally responsible civilization to ever exist. But what if this is not the case? What if, at this moment, we are carrying out... Continue Reading →

Learning how to learn

First-years' Personal and Professional Development course has a mini-course in it. Believe it or not, every student must watch around five hours of videos on how to learn. Now. At the university. When we are approaching the closing of our education! That was my primary reaction. I must say, from all the people I've talked... Continue Reading →

Old shirts and happy families

'Tis the season to be jolly! Well...Almost 😊  In my opinion, there is always a cozy and warm feeling around handmade gifts. Imagine your friend googling DIY gifts until their instinct goes: "This is the one." Think of them painting you a stormy sea, searching for cute pictures and framing them, or simply baking your favorite dessert; investing time in making you happy, and vice... Continue Reading →

Excursion: Recycling Fair 2021

Last week the first excursion of ESSET for this year took place! An excursion to “The National trade fair for recycling technology and waste management” was organised. One hundred fifty seven exhibitors gathered in the event hall in Gorichem on the 16th, 17th and 18th of October. Students of ESSET had the chance to gather... Continue Reading →

How 10 Billion People Can Survive Together

In the year 2100, it is estimated that there will be 10 billion people on earth. At this moment, we are already using the earth's full capacity of water usage and resources. CO2 emissions are rising exponentially, and so is plastic production. The differences between the rich and poor are still increasing. The earth is... Continue Reading →

How are you holding up?

(6 minute read) Hello you! We have officially passed 1/8 of this study year. That is something! I am sure it has been exciting, amazing, and pretty intense. Every day in this new situation brings trials and little gifts. I do hope all of you are well and handle stressy messy times with patience. However,... Continue Reading →

Clothes swap!

Earlier this year, a friend asked me if I would like to participate in a corona-proof clothes swap in Delft (I used to live there). I was confused. How would you make clothes swap event corona-proof? Then she explained to me. It is called “kettingkledingruil” in Dutch, and this initiative has many members all across... Continue Reading →

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