Avans joins the BioBlitz campaign!

(Article by our guest write Francesca Figaroli, ESSET student) Have you ever wondered, while walking to your campus all worried about how you will survive this semester, how many organisms are minding their own business right next to you? Well, I sometimes did because I find the animal and plant kingdom extraordinary. But how many... Continue Reading →

Mini symposium for our specialisations

Every year, we conclude the specialisations for our 3rd year students with a mini symposium here at Avans University of Applied Sciences. During the symposium, students present their final project work and receive feedback from the clients, peers and teachers. This year the symposium took place on the 24th of June, a wonderful sunny day.... Continue Reading →

Our Ghent exchange

Our ESSET programme has several interesting collaborations with partner universities. one of these is with the Ghent university of Applied Sciences in Belgium. Together with a number of ESSET students, our colleagues Samet and Marjon went to Ghent for the "Ghent-Breda exchange to work on an interesting environmental problem. Our colleague Marjon has written the... Continue Reading →

Number of environmental jobs continues to grow

This morning I was checking my Linkedin feed, and received a post from "Linkedin News UK", which discusses UK jobs which are growing in demand. The article mentioned 25 different jobs, and the first one was the position of "Sustainability Manager". It furthermore mentioned relevant skills such as carbon footprint accounting, Lifecycle Analysis and Corporate... Continue Reading →

Environmental dates for 2024

Important dates for 2024! Mark these in your calendar 2 February: World Wetlands Day 3 March: World Wildlife Day 30 March: International Day of Zero Waste 22 April: International Earth Day 20 May: World Bee Day 22 May: International Day for Biological Diversity 5 June: World Environment Day 21 September: World Cleanup Day 22 September:... Continue Reading →

Climate resilience project with Living Lab Breda

Contribution by our guest author Femke Min (ESSET student). Author's profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/femke-min-90594821b In my third year of my bachelor, I worked on a semester project at the Avans hogeschool in the commission of the Urban living lab Breda. The goal of the project was to give the Urban living lab an inspiration for measures that... Continue Reading →

UN Treaty on Oceans Can Help Climate Action

The United Nations has recently adopted a landmark treaty focused on safeguarding our oceans, which are increasingly threatened by climate change. This historic agreement emphasizes the sustainable use of marine resources and presents significant opportunities to advance climate action. The treaty underscores the need to protect marine ecosystems and biodiversity, recognizing their role as natural... Continue Reading →

Do you know what you wear?

The world has been taken over by fast fashion.  Companies are following a trend of producing and distributing items as quickly and cheaply as possible. This business model has significant environmental effects that cannot be overlooked, however handy it may seem. The chemicals used in clothing during production are an aspect of fast fashion that is not... Continue Reading →

Nuclear power: a killer or a saviour?

Nuclear power plants have always been a subject of controversy, with arguments on both sides of the debate. Some people view nuclear power as a viable solution to the world's energy crisis, while others fear the dangers that nuclear plants pose to both human life and the environment. One of the most notable nuclear accidents... Continue Reading →

Are fungi able to control humans?

You are probably already familiar with the existence of fungi. There are millions of fungal species in the world, but what most people do not know is that some of these species can form a threat to humans. Lucky for us, evolution has given us the chance to develop an immune system that can protect us against... Continue Reading →

50.000 year old viruses revived

Pop culture takes over our minds when we hear the term "zombie virus," the first image that comes to mind is infected individuals who have turned into zombies. That is not the situation. I can offer you something even bigger. Russia's permafrost has been found to contain zombie viruses. After two years of lockdowns, this... Continue Reading →

New waste containers @Avans

Earlier I wrote about the new organic waste containers being implemented at Avans. Apparently that is not the only improvement currently being made. In our faculty we now also have new containers which provide visual images to help students and staff separate the waste in the correct waste bin. This kind of visual aid is... Continue Reading →

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