Down to Earth: Down Under

One of my favourite 2000's actors has found his life's purpose in highlighting the importance of environmental sustainability through film, and I am here for it. For the last week and a half, I have watched the second season of Zac Efron's down to earth experience. This time, instead of country hopping, the executive producer... Continue Reading →

Two Years Down, 2 more to go

Caption: Me participating in an Essence team building camping activity, organised by Essence Events Manager 2021-22. By Nisalyna Bontiff 3-minute read And just like that, the second year of the study is over. I don't know about you, but my head is in a whirlwind when I think about how quickly the time has passed.... Continue Reading →

The fight of our lives

Being killed, silenced or, ridiculed for environmental activism, journalism, and advocacy. This week, I was randomly looking into environmental news articles when I stumbled upon a piece entitled: "Murders and threats spark fears among female activists." This article piqued my interest because recently, I found myself inspired by the bravery of environmental activists around the... Continue Reading →

Excursion: Recycling Fair 2021

Last week the first excursion of ESSET for this year took place! An excursion to “The National trade fair for recycling technology and waste management” was organised. One hundred fifty seven exhibitors gathered in the event hall in Gorichem on the 16th, 17th and 18th of October. Students of ESSET had the chance to gather... Continue Reading →

Same blog, new members!

5-minute read Last year we brought to you interesting content that would not only show you our fun sides but also pieces that would shed light on unorthodox perspectives. This year, it is our goal to bring to you even more content, from even wider perspectives. On that note, we introduce you to 4 of... Continue Reading →

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