Sustainability within Avans

Sustainability is not only a relevant theme within our environmental science programme, but also for Avans University of Applied Sciences as a whole. One of the main ingredients of Avans's sustainability efforts is the Mission Zero strategy. With the Mission Zero Avans aims for a fully circular business - this covers topics from catering services... Continue Reading →

We got a new name!

For as long as I can remember, the acronym ESSET always stood for Environmental Science for Sustainable Energy and Technology. But starting from the academic year 2022-2023, we have updated our name to Environmental Science for Sustainability, Ecosystems and Technology! The name change was done as the staff felt this was a better representation of... Continue Reading →

Summer Holidays have started!

The academic year has ended, and the holidays have started! It was a crazy rollercoaster this year, although it felt like the rollercoaster itself was hardly moving due to the COVID situation. But the students, teachers and staff survived and thrived, and are now looking forward to a well-deserved Summer break. Paul and Maurits, two... Continue Reading →

ESSET students participate in fieldwork activity

Various ESSET students, in collaboration with students from the college Curio in Breda, participated in a fieldwork activity in Breda last Thursday. Goal of the fieldwork activity was to gain insights on building a climate resilient city - learning by doing on the spot! Armed with large netting equipment students made an inventory of the... Continue Reading →

Plastic-free shopping in Breda

The Breda municipality, the home city of the ESSET programme, recently welcomed a new groceries shop. A rather different shop than what you might be used to, as this shop only sells goods without a package! Rather than stuffing everything in plastic wrapping (which isn't that environmentally friendly), the shop "Elemental" encourages you to bring... Continue Reading →

SDG Challenge

Together with other Dutch universities, Avans University of Applied Sciences organises the SDG-Challenge this year. Read more about it below and apply if you are interested! The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or the Global Goals, are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and... Continue Reading →

Internship showcase (Dutch)

The Dutch-based internship of one of our 3rd year students (Marsha) was completed at the Waardenmakers in Den Bosch, the Netherlands. For this internship Marsha considered pathways to make the municipality of Meierijstad more climate resilient, with a focus on the air quality. The resulting poster is a nice visualization of what she worked on... Continue Reading →

Online cooking class!

It is not just the students, but also teachers feel the need to distract them from the Corona lockdown and to keep the team spirit alive. For this our new colleague Widya offered us an Indonesian cooking class, in which we made (organic) chicken or vegetarian Sateh! Every Dutch person's favourite Indonesian dish. First we... Continue Reading →

Hello world!

Welcome to our official ESSET blog! This blog is used by the staff and students of the ESSET programme to give an insight to the environmental science programme offered by Avans University of Applied Sciences, located in Breda, the Netherlands. Happy reading!

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