My VEGGIE life…


A picture above to show the best options for Non-meat eaters!

Hello everyone, some of you may know me but if you do not, my name is Lauren Regadas, who is a first year ESSET student. I decided to do the Vegetarian Challenge by Green Office this year and it changed my life!

I joined this challenge because of my love for animals. I have always wanted to become a vegetarian, but it was not very possible in my country as we have do not have many meat substitutes available. I have always had a love for all animals, and I hated the fact that millions were being killed per year for human consumption, so by stopping eating meat, I hope to make a difference, even just to save a few animals lives.  

I really enjoyed taking part in this challenge, it made me feel like I was somehow making a difference in the world. Along with that, I experienced clearer skin and more energy. I felt so much better in my own skin! Since doing this challenge I have decided to carry on the challenge of being a vegetarian to make a difference, both for the planet, its animals and for myself.  

According to the American Dietetic Association, a vegetarian diet can meet protein requirements, provide all the essential amino acids, vitamins, fats, and minerals and is known to improve health. So, by hearing this as well, it has encouraged me to carry on the vegetarian diet as I know that I can still be healthy without consuming meat.


I found that the toughest part of the vegetarian diet is that fruit and vegetables go off quicker than meat. It seemed to me that it was much easier to keep meat for a longer period, as one can even place them to freeze in the freezer for consumption later on, however, with fruit and vegetables, they must be eaten soon after bought at the store.  

Another struggle of mine was when people ate some of my favourite foods around me. I felt that sometimes I would have meat cravings especially when my favourite food was being consumed by others around me.  


— Lauren Regadas

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