All about Africa

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Hi everyone!

For those who do not know me yet, my name is Lauren Regadas and I am one-third of the Esset Student Blog Team (ESBT).  I was born and raised in Harare, the Capital City of Zimbabwe, on the continent of Africa.

To set the facts straight for those of you concerned, we don’t ride elephants to school and we don’t have lions in our back yard!

Zimbabwe is a land-locked country in Southern Africa. It is a place simply known for its diverse wildlife and landscapes. Zimbabwe, homes over 14.8 million people (as of 2020), of which Harare, is home to around 1.5 million people, and I am one of these people who get to call this wonderful place my home! There are lots of positives of this country, however lots of negatives too! But I have to say that in Zimbabwe, we have the most beautiful places to visit (I will put a few photographs below).

The country too, homes one of the seven natural wonders of the world, Victoria Falls. Victoria Falls is one of the biggest waterfalls in the world, some parts of the waterfall are 108 meters high and have a width of 1708 meters! Every minute, over 5 million cubic meters of water pour over the falls! Another fun fact is that the noise from the water crashing down Victoria’s waterfall is heard 40 kilometers away!

Another tourist attraction, also being one of my favourite places, is the Kariba Dam based on the Zambezi River. Lake Kariba is the largest man-made dam and reservoir in the whole world. It is located in Zimbabwe. However, it is very close to the Zambian border.  The volume of the reservoir is 185 billion cubic metres and the surface area covers 5500 kilometres squared, the dam extends for more than 280 kilometres and has a width of 40 kilometres.

The most beautiful part of living in Africa is the African sunsets! They make you feel calm and you feel nature’s beauty all around you! It is just a magnificent experience!

Another place that I absolutely love visiting is a place called Nyanga, it is in the province Manicaland, in North-eastern  Zimbabwe. Nyanga sits at an elevation of 1679 meters above sea level.  

In Nyanga, one can visit Mount Nyangani, which is a mountain peak found in Nyanga that is 2592 metres high as well as Inyangombe falls which is a beautiful waterfall with the most exquisite view! Worlds View is also a great place for scenic views, however if you want to get there it is a bit of a hike! Mutarazi falls is another tourist attraction in Nyanga, it is the biggest waterfall in Zimbabwe! It is also the second highest waterfall in Africa. Fun activities like the zipline, skywalk etc can all be done in Nyanga, with beautiful views and heights. There are huge fishing farms for if you have a desire to fish so all in all, Nyanga is definitely a place you would like to be if the above activities excite you!

I could go on and on about the wonders of my country but for now, I will end this blog post by saying, Zimbabwe will always be my home.

“If I have ever seen magic, it has been in Africa”- John Hemingway.

-Lauren Faye Regadas

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