(6 minute read)
Hello you! We have officially passed 1/8 of this study year. That is something! I am sure it has been exciting, amazing, and pretty intense. Every day in this new situation brings trials and little gifts. I do hope all of you are well and handle stressy messy times with patience. However, I found it nice to share my perspective for those who just feel lost in this moment.
In my opinion, we do not possess anything. Good or bad. Money is a convenient, man-made invention. Even if we worked our whole lives for something, we all subconsciously know it, it will never truly be ours. Sometimes it is devastating for people to receive that rejection, a slap from the world. A lover leaves you with a child after years of you sacrificing for the relationship to work out. You still do not own their future, even with a bag full of reasons why they had to stay! Or, for example, you restrain from all social activities with friends and family, free-time activities, general self-care for two weeks to write the essay for a 10. Despite all odds, your new laptop dies unfixably. You do not deserve that excellent grade anymore. How unfair! The world feels like cold, pointless chaos.
Sure, but no. It is just giving you a piece of clear advice. DO WHAT YOU WANT. The results are something else, far and unpredictable. Maybe the world would be lovelier without us putting off our true desires for tomorrow. If you’re doing what you want, however hard it gets, it is never a sacrifice of yourself, but a thrilling challenge in a worst-case scenario. Indeed, is there a better word for “hard” times in life than a challenge? If you can spare a second, here are some lovely photos to look at while you think:

Do you have a guilty pleasure with something others consider hard?

What activity makes you feel like you are here and like you know what you are doing?

To conclude, for all my fellow first-years and all other humans trying something fresh: the world is your buffet and you are alive and well to choose whatever smells the best. Nothing new is actually hard, but getting used to it can be. Believing that you can make it, too. We can bike to school even if this is the first time we’ve set on a bike, we can take out the hair from the shower without puking. We can speak up and lead the meeting even if we are screaming from the inside. We can live far from all we have known our whole life, happily. Cherishing all the places we are to experience.
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