Summer Holidays have started!

The academic year has ended, and the holidays have started! It was a crazy rollercoaster this year, although it felt like the rollercoaster itself was hardly moving due to the COVID situation. But the students, teachers and staff survived and thrived, and are now looking forward to a well-deserved Summer break.

Paul and Maurits, two teachers and friends, spend the first weekend exploring the countryside on bicycle with their families. In the opening picture you could see them both, with their (beautiful) wives Marije and Nadia in the background. Hidden in the picture you could also see two bicycle carriages, which carried the kids (Torin, Quirijn and Aurelie).

Later on during the Summer, Paul, Marije and Torin will take the (night) train to Slovenia, to spend a few weeks in the mountains and hills of that beautiful country. Maurits, Nadia, Quirijn and Aurelie will keep on travelling in the Netherlands, as they have planned more bicycle adventures to the north of the Netherlands. All in all, sustainable tourism!

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