Plastic-free shopping in Breda

The Breda municipality, the home city of the ESSET programme, recently welcomed a new groceries shop. A rather different shop than what you might be used to, as this shop only sells goods without a package! Rather than stuffing everything in plastic wrapping (which isn’t that environmentally friendly), the shop “Elemental” encourages you to bring your own containers and glass jars.

The shop sells a variety of (organic) foodstuff, from Basmati rice to whole wheat flour to handsoap. You simply pay for the weight or volume of the product you are buying – and not to worry, the weight of the container is deducted from the total. And if you have forgotten to bring your own container, you can buy a variety of reusable containers and jars in the store itself.

You can find Elemental in the cultural hotspot Stek, in the North of Breda. Go plastic free shopping!

Elemental’s website:

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