“Meet the student blog team”

From left: Nisalyna, Nicki, Lauren (5-minute read)

Hello and Welcome! Based in Breda, the ESSET Student Blog Team (ESBT) is a blog initiative started by Lauren, Nicki and Nisalyna. We are first year students at Avans’ ESSET program who are really excited about engaging our readers through our writing. So far, it has been an exhilarating experience as we brainstormed ideas to keep you, the ESSET community, engaged, informed but most importantly, thoroughly entertained. At last, here we are, introducing ourselves to you as we give you a taste of who we are and what is to come.

Hey everyone! My name is Nisalyna and I am one third of the team’s dynamic trio. I come from a gem in the Caribbean known as St. Maarten and I am thrilled to be blogging to you on this platform. Initially, I joined the team to get some elective credits. However, I would be lying if I told you that is the only reason I joined. I have always been interested in blogging and with this opportunity, I am truly able to put my creative juices to the test, with you as my critics. For the next few months, you will get to know me and hopefully, I will fulfill my number one goal: bringing everything you need, even when you do not know you need it.

Unlike many of my peers, following an Environmental Sciences program was not my first option. I became interested in this field about two and a half years ago because of a project I managed for the nonprofit I worked for at the time. Executing this project transformed my perspective; suddenly, I needed to learn more to help make a change in my country.

As a mature student, graduating high school eight years ago, following the ESSET program has been one of my greater challenges. Nevertheless, I am enjoying the program. I am open to all opportunities that will result from what the program offers. I hope to achieve not only great theoretical, but also practical learning that will remain with me as I pursue a career in the Environmental Sciences field. Ultimately, I aspire to directly impact my country and the Caribbean.

Hello everyone! My name is Lauren Regadas and I am a first-year student at Avans. I am thrilled to tell you that I am another piece of this blog’s dynamic trio! I am from a little place in Africa called Harare, in the country Zimbabwe, probably never heard of it, huh? I thought just as much! All I will say is we do not ride elephants to school, many have asked me that question before!

I originally joined ESBT to get some elective credits for university. However, I also thought I should try to put my English language skills to good use!

I applied at Avans to study Environmental Science for Sustainable Energy and Technology as I have always wanted to make a difference in the world. I think while studying the environment in depth, for example, ways can be looked at to improve air quality and reduce global warming and many other things to benefit both us humans and other living species on the earth.

From studying at ESSET, I want to achieve many things. The most important thing for me is to excel in my dreams to become an Environmentalist. I have always wanted to help improve certain aspects in the environment to make the world a better place to live in. Second on my list is to create fellowships that will last a lifetime with new people from diverse cultures. I find learning about different cultures important and interesting. Furthermore, from being at ESSET, I want to develop into a more outgoing person who tackles each day with strength and motivation to do better and get better: after all, we can only go up!

Hi everyone, my name is Nicki Bassing, I am 20 years old and from Luxembourg. Yes, it is a tiny country and yes, we even have our own language, Luxembourgish! I make up the third part of our dynamic trio and I am thrilled to go on this exciting blogging journey with you. I joined the ESBT a bit later than my fellow bloggers, but luckily enough I made it in time to be part of the first blog post.  I joined the ESBT, because I am a passionate writer and a wannabe journalist (the elective credits are also a welcome bonus!), so I hope you are as excited about this as I am.

I personally joined the ESSET program, as a result of my interest in natural science and my wish to help save the earth and all of us with it. While looking for university studies, I wanted to do something meaningful, exciting, a bit different, and especially something diverse, where I do not only study one subject in detail but get to explore many subjects and interests of mine. And I am pretty sure I found all of this in ESSET, a study I kind of already fell in love with.

All in all, my end goal is to do something meaningful and especially helpful. I am mostly interested into pursuing sustainable communication after my studies. So, press work, education, basically helping to make people understand why we have to save our precious planet. Okay, so now that you have reached the end of our first blog, you can say you know a little about us and hopefully we have you hooked! It was a pleasure to introduce ourselves to you and we cannot wait to share more with you. In the meantime, we are looking for persons who would like to contribute to our upcoming blogs.  If you are interested, feel free to contact us on teams. Till, next time!

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